Membro della SCNAT

La SGV promuove la scienza degli animali da laboratorio, la protezione degli animali e le considerazioni etiche nella sperimentazione animale. Questi obiettivi saranno raggiunti per mezzo dell’organizzazione dell’istruzione e del flusso d’informazioni all’interno della comunità scientifica.di più

Immagine: LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.dedi più

Territories of life: 2021 Report

The ICCA report highlights the importance of recognising Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ rights and governance systems for effective and equitable conservation.

territories of life

The ICCA Consortium presented the “Territories of life: 2021 Report ” on 20 May, a publication with 17 examples of territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities from different regions around the globe. It includes some national and regional analyses about the state of territories of life, plus a global spatial analysis with the best available information to date of the potential extent of the world’s lands and nature conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities and the overlap with areas with high biodiversity conservation value, among other things.

Further information and full report


  • Popolazioni indigene