Membro della SCNAT

La SGV promuove la scienza degli animali da laboratorio, la protezione degli animali e le considerazioni etiche nella sperimentazione animale. Questi obiettivi saranno raggiunti per mezzo dell’organizzazione dell’istruzione e del flusso d’informazioni all’interno della comunità scientifica.di più

Immagine: LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.dedi più

Pollen allergy and the impact of a changing climate

While hay fever was almost unheard of in Switzerland 100 years ago, at present, around 20 percent of the Swiss population suffers from pollen allergy. Importantly, climate change is causing an earlier onset and increased intensity of the pollen season for many allergenic plants. Climate change also fosters the spread of highly allergenic invasive plants like ragweed. Furthermore, the combined exposure to air pollution and pollen may worsen allergic reactions through increased sensitivity and increased pollen allergenicity. Scientists of the Swiss Commission for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics provide an overview of pollen, hay fever, and how climate change is affecting both.

Pollen allergy and the impact of a changing climate
Immagine: CC BY-NC-ND

Fonte: Eeftens M, Tummon F (2024) Pollen allergy and the impact of a changing climate. Swiss Academies Factsheets 19 (1)


  • Allergie


Dr. Ulrich Krieger
ETH Zürich
Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science (IAC)
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich

Inglese, Tedesco, Francese