- submitted feedback for the consultation on the Animal Welfare Ordinance and other ordinances in the area of animal welfare
Talk and poster presentation of the AWO-N tumor working group 27.11.24 at the SGV meeting: Survey on Subcutaneous Tumors in Mice in Switzerland and Classification of Lesions in Subcutaneous Tumor Models in Mice_SGV 2024
teaching/talk at education event for new members of animal experimentation commissions
AWO-N input at EB of 3RCCs
regular meetings of Chair & Co-Chair with FSVO
5 AWO-N meetings (25.1.24 in Bern, rest online)
SAFN-AWO-N workshop in Bern (26.9.24)
- European Animal Welfare Body (AWB) network: The Swiss AWO-N was invited to be part of a European AWB network since it is already an established national network in contrast to many other countries, which is also officially recognized by the Swiss authorities, our input in establishing a European wide network was valued. The objectives of such a European AWB network are manyfold, e.g. helping to ensure that AWBs throughout Europe are able to deliver all their tasks effectively as set out in the respective legislation and guidelines, encourage national networks for AWBs, harmonization and alignment of practices, facilitate exchange of information, experiences and best practices, thereby promoting animal welfare and the 3Rs.
- AWO-N working group (subcutaneous tumors): the questionnaire that was sent out to researchers end of 2022 was evaluated (goal: collect information on the status quo on how tumor are measured, which formulas are used to calculate tumor size, termination criteria, assessment of ulceration, mitigating measures). The next step planned is to work on some recommendations taking into account the information gained by the survey.
- AWO-N Chair helped with the choice of topics and acted as moderator at the BLV workshop on refinement (25.10.23)
- Close exchange with SAFN and 3RCC (AWO-N representatives at SAFN EB and 3RCC EB meetings)
- Regular meetings with the BLV (Otto Maissen, Simone Gilg)
- 4 online meetings of the AWO-N
- 1 workshop AWO-N and SAFN
- Continued exchange between AWOs of academia and industry – sharing of experiences and best practice methods
- AWO-N statement on surplus animals and CO2 (targeting lay audience) published
- Establishment on a AWO-N workung group on ectopic tumor studies in rodents (status quo on how tumor are measured, formulas to calculate tumor size, termination criteria, assessment of ulceration, mitigating measures) - survey sent out to researchers
- AWO-N sent suggestions for clarifications and changes in the animal welfare ordinance to the FSVO
- Suggestions for changing wording of Form A, the application form for animal experiments, to avoid misunderstandings were forwarded to FSVO
- AWO-N gave input to FSVO concerning technical information on severity degrees
- AWOs participated in campaign against Tier- und Menschenversuchsverbotsinitiative (TMVI) also via the AWO-N twitter account @AwoSwiss
- AWO-N joined STAAR as one of the founding members
- AWO-N representative is part of the new Fachausschuss animex-ch by FSVO
- AWO-N is in close interaction with SAFN and 3RCC (representative of AWO-N in the meetings of the SAFN EB and 3RCC EB)
- regular meetings with FSVO (Otto Maissen, Simone Gilg)
- 5 online meetings of the Swiss AWO-N
- Review of the technical information «Blutentnahme bei Labornagetieren und Kaninchen zu Versuchszwecken 3.02”
- Establishment of a guideline on blood collection techniques in rodents and rabbits that was also submitted to the FSVO as basis for a revised technical information 3.02
- Presentation of the "Animal Welfare Officer Network Blood Collection Guideline" at 2021 SGV meeting
- Review of user guidelines for Form AC in animex-ch on behalf of the FSVO and comparison of different language versions
- Sent letter to the Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation commenting on their statement "Umgang mit Versuchstieren während der COVID-19 Pandemie"
- AWO-N workshop on communication organized by LTK
- AWO-N members take part in the roundtable on animal experimentation with different stakeholders organized by the Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation
- 5 online meetings of the Swiss AWO-N
- Implementation of a new logo for the Swiss AWO-N
- Exchange on measures in animal husbandries to conform with COVID-19 measures
- Hiring of a secretary to take over administrative tasks (financial support by SGV)
- Reviewed and commented on the technical information 3.01 (proficient and animal welfare-compliant euthanasia of laboratory animals) and 3.03 (proficient and animal welfare-compliant anaesthesia and analgesia for laboratory animals)
- Intensified collaboration with SAFN (Swiss Animal FacilitiesNetwork), e.g. Chair and/or Co-Chair of Swiss AWO-N attend all SAFN Executive Board meetings; representative of SAFN attends Swiss AWO-N meetings
- Review of facts sheets on the framework of animal experimentation, 3Rs and other topics for SAFN/swissuniversities
- Discussion about potential regulations for research performed abroad at the institutions
- Change to online Swiss AWO-N meetings and decision to change to bi-monthly meetings starting 2021
- Detailed feedback/statements to the new revised technical information 1.04 about the severity degree classification
- Start review technical information metabolic cages
- Subgroup of the Swiss AWO-N updated the thematic portal on animal research of SGV
- Chair of Swiss AWO-N presented the network in the public outreach SGV/LS2 Symposium “Tierversuche im Dialog”
- Swiss AWO-N is asked by the 3RCC to name a representative that is part of the executive board
- a survey in the Swiss AWO network "Blood withdrawal techniques in mice"
- Contributed to the consultation of the animal welfare ordinance that then came into force in March 2018. Based on the pressure by animal welfare officers (AWOs) in the revised animal welfare ordinance the role of the AWOs was finally introduced as an important mediator between researchers and authorities and at the same time as a quality checkpoint for applications for animal experimentation.
- Review and sending comprehensive feedback to the FSVO on the draft of the new technical information on euthanasia
- Sub-group of the Swiss AWO-N put together topics for the SGV/SCNAT thematic portal on animal experimentation which was published in fall 2017
- Constitution for the Swiss AWO-N was put into force and published via the SGV newsletter
- Invitation of the company Nagi Bioscience to lecture "The first organism in chip technology"
- A logo for the Swiss AWO Network based on the SGV logo was adopted
- A proposal for a change of the animal welfare ordinance was submitted to FSVO
- At the invitation of the FSVO, representatives of the AWO-N and the LTK worked on a revision of guideline 1.09 (education and training)
- AWO-N representatives teach at the FSVO workshop on weighing of interests
- Roundtable of the AWO-N on internal controls of animal husbandry and animal experiments
- Working group founded to establish constitution for the Swiss AWO-N
- Discussion and development of a proposal for the constitution of the Swiss AWO-N
- Participation of representatives of the AWO-N in meetings for the foundation of a Swiss 3R Competence Center
- Review and proposal for revision of guideline 1.07 (animal welfare officer) for the attention of FSVO
- Evaluation of e-tierversuche and bug reporting to FSVO
- Collaboration with FSVO working group on definition of "mouse line"
- Supporting animal husbandry in communication about GM lines, numbers breeding vs. numbers use in experiments
- Swiss AWO-N is founded
- Applied to FSVO to become official partner of the FSVO for processes concerning animal experimentation and husbandry
- FSVO accepted Swiss AWO-N as contact partner for animal experimentation related issues