Member of SCNAT

SGV is dedicated to the promotion of laboratory animal science, as well as the furthering of animal protection and ethical considerations in animal experiments. These aims shall be attained by organising education and the flow of information within the scientific community.more

Image: LoveIsAFastSong, photocase.demore

Animal Welfare Officer Network (AWO-N)

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The Swiss AWO-N is an initiative set up to exchange knowledge, promote the 3Rs and share experiences about animal welfare in animal experiments within the scientific community. In addition, our members support the communication offices of the respective institutions regarding communication and information to the public.

The AWO-N is accepted as an official partner to the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) as one of the expert groups in laboratory animal science. In this regard, the AWO-N is actively involved in working on guidelines and revisions of the Swiss Animal Welfare legislation.To support transparent communication about animal research, AWO-N is a member of STAAR (Swiss Transparency Agreement on Animal Research). The STAAR annual report 2022 can be assessed here.